Tuesday 13 September 2011

Snot and coughs

We've had an invasion of germs in the tubbles household this week. Starting with Chris and his man flu last weekend, me wrapped up in a blanket and comfiest trackies the following weekend, and while I thought Lily might have escaped it with just some grumpiness and runny noses, it seems the worst was yet to come.

Last night with the vaporiser pumping eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender oil, and administering some panadol and some mucous breakdown type syrup (called "Cough Combat"), we still had a sleepless night. I ended up getting upset at 1:30am after I hadn't slept because Lily kept pulling my hair (her comforter) so woke up Chris to let her play with his hair instead. This did not go down well with Lily, which resulted in a grumpy Chris too. So I ended up with Lily laying on my chest, as this was the only way to calm her down, and as she slowly shuffled around to rest on my shoulder, she fell asleep, and eventually I did too.

Our vaporiser has usually done wonders, and I am wondering if it is because we have it set up differently that it may not be achieving the same results. I have tried to google where the most effective position for a vaporiser is, but I haven't found any answers yet. I'm waiting for Chris to take down the cot next to my side of the bed (in our failed attempt to try to get Lily to use her cot) so that I can have my bedside table back, and put the vaporiser back there when need be (among all the other items I would like to have on my bedside table). Until then, I guess I can't test my theory that it may be because we have changed the position of the vaporiser.

I still stand by that the vaporiser has been the best thing we have bought for Lily to have while sick. While breastfeeding, you could definitely tell the difference. Without it Lily would "do the freestyle" at the boob, trying to create a balance between breastmilk and oxygen. And the amount of snot that would end up on your boob, and all the noises that would make you grimace at the thought of all that snot being swallowed. Yes, there was definitely improvement when we used it before. It beats the "nose sucker" any day. The battle we would have to try and use it on Lily, and the relief was only temporary, as we all know how many times we can blow our nose, and have thought "will this snot ever end?!" or even "where the hell does all this shit come from?!!?!?!"

I am also wondering if I should cut back on Lily's dairy milk. She usually has 2 - 3 bottles of milk a day, and from memory, I remember being told that you should avoid dairy as it can help increase mucous production. But if I'm not to give Lily dairy milk, what am I meant to give? I have figured that it is probably better for her than it is worse, even if that does mean more snot. It will still finish one day, right?!

One additional thing I need to make mention of, when I started getting signs of the flu coming (sore throat), I threw on my amber necklace, and within 12 hours my throat was no longer sore! YAY! Chris is still complaining of a sore throat, so I am pretty stoked about that.

(Me in all my sick-homey goodness! Unbrushed hair, trackies, and Lily snot stained clothes ahaha, but also a shot of my amber necklace)

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